Maps are the center: all airports are (can be) visualized on the maps immediately so you know where they are. Search airports on the map automatically when maps are changed (moved/zoomed)
When you click at an airport on the map, all the information associate to that airport will be accesible: they are either presented rightway or links to further information are presented.
Search any particular airport in the world, using auto-complete by partial patterns in names
and IDs (ICAO, IAIA, FAA, ...).
Browse airports worldwide and search them by keywords in names, and IDs (ICAO, IAIA, FAA, ...), filtering by regions, airport types, flights, runways,
elevation, Wikipedia, homepage, etc.
View airports statistics for the given criteria (regions, flights, runways, elevation), associate them with charts, and visualize them on maps.
Search any location (address, city, place, etc.) all over the world, and zoom the map to that location.
It works on smart phones and pads.
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