DB Cruiser -- Table Work Area -- JavaBeans:
(see below for explanation)
By clicking JavaBean button (see, for example, Table Column Definitions), the source code of the JavaBean corresponding to the table will be generated. The JavaBean contains has attributes corresponding to columns in the table, as well as get() and set() methods for each attribute (column).

Furthermore, each generated JavaBean has the following two methods:

  • public void setAttributes(java.sql.ResultSet result) throws SQLException;
    which will set all the attributes in the JavaBean directly from a query result.

  • public void insertDatabase(java.sql.Connection conn) throws SQLException;
    which will insert the JavaBean into the SQL database.

Here is an example JavaBean generated by DB Cruiser: EmpBean.java.

You can get all these by just a mouse clicking. Therefore, using DB Cruiser will greatly reduce the Java development's effort and time.

The following screen is the JavaBean panel for DEPT table. DB Cruiser can also generate Entity Enterprise JavaBean for the table.

Back to Table Column Definitions.